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Say no to boring newsletters and transform your business with this straightforward and actionable guide to email marketing.

As an artist or maker, there’s no more powerful way to connect with your customers and drive sales than email marketing. But so many artists and makers drop the ball when it comes to email marketing, out of fear, frustration, or both. But that’s about to change.

In this in-depth guide, artist and creative business coach Megan Auman walks you through her proven method for email marketing, dispelling myths, bad practices, and mindset struggles along the way. Drawing on her experience using email marketing to sell jewelry, classes, art, and products online, not to mention coaching and teaching artists and makers on their own email best practices, Auman shares her effective yet easy-to-implement email marketing strategies.

In this book, you'll learn:

  • What email marketing is and isn't
  • Where email marketing falls in the customer journey
  • How to set up your list
  • Choosing your opt-in incentive
  • Using the 1:1:1 Rule to make writing emails easy
  • Finding your email marketing workflow
  • Dealing with unsubscribes
  • Growing your email list
  • And so much more!

Whether you've got a list of thousands languishing on your computer or you’re just getting started (and struggling to get your first sign-ups), this book will give you the tools and confidence you need to make email marketing work for your business.

Total length: 172 pages


Shipped from from Megan's Pennsylvania studio within 1-2 business days. Delivery times vary based on location.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Christa O'Brien
AMAZING resource

I got your new email book (along with try it and see) on saturday and have been reading both of them simultaneously. Since finishing guide to marketing on Monday, Ive collected a couple subscribers, set up an email with my domain, got it all verified, and sent out my very first welcome email! I literally can’t believe it. Reading this in tandem with try it and see - especially your definition of ’ship everyday’ and perfection is irrelevant mindset - god almighty, life changing. Besides setting up email and sending an actual email, I’ve also photographed and listed two new items on my etsy shop in the past two days.